Thursday, 7 May 2009

Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order

Beautiful quote...

“Brakhage’s project of the “unruled eye” is so radical because it rejects not only the norms of commercial filmmaking but all the norms of aesthetics and perception. According to Brakhage, everything we have been taught about art and the world itself separates us from a profound, true vision of the world. We are straightjacketed by myriad conventions that prevent us from really seeing our world. So it is with the filmmaker: the so-called rules of good filmmaking that are so carefully followed by commercial filmmakers prevent them from expressing all but the most trite reformulations of the same boy-meets-girl story. The film artist’s only recourse is to throw off all these conventions as forcefully and as quickly as possible.” [James Peterson, 1994; 4]

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